Saturday, November 21, 2009


I am currently reading the book Think And Grow Rich: A Black Choice by Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill and in Chapter 6 What are you worth? on the last page and a half Mr. Kimbro listed points which will help you rebuild or strengthen your self-image. I thought this was a great exercise and so I have listed the points below.

1. Make a list of at least ten positive attributes you possess. Be generous but honest when listing those qualities that you like about yourself. When your list is complete, write a brief expression of gratitude for all who have helped you – the Lord God Almighty, family, friends.

2. Conversely, make a list of all the things you wish to change. Don’t be ashamed, change is normal. Place a check mark beside those traits you feel you can change. Write a personal statement of acceptance acknowledging the things that you don’t like but can’t change and a pledge to change all the things you can.

3. Write a short personality profile describing the person you have identified yourself to be. Give full attention to both strengths and weaknesses.

4. Know that in order for you to succeed, you need only believe in yourself.

5. Understand that life is thought. Therefore, concentrate on becoming the person you intend to be ( I say who God intends you to be). Draw a mental picture of this person so as to transform this image into its physical expression.

6. Master the principles set forth in this book (mentioned above). Through constant study you will become increasingly aware of your God-given powers.

7. Become self-reliant (I say God-reliant). Learn to stand on your own feet, and express yourself in a manner that will carry conviction. Cause others to become interested in you because you will first become interested in others. Eliminate selfishness and develop a spirit of service in its place.

8. Never downgrade yourself or your importance in life, nor allow others to berate you. If you are forced to listen to such nonsense, dismiss it immediately. Remember, the quality of your thoughts, your feelings, and attitude produces results.

9. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself with conviction.

Think of this list as a blueprint or detailed description of the person you want to be!!!!


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