Saturday, December 12, 2009



From an article written by Hilton Johnson, Top 10 Ideas for Setting and Achieving Goals

1. Make a list of your values – What’s really important to you?

2. Begin with the end in mind – Create a clear image in your mind of what you want the achievement of your goal to look like when it is done. How would you have to act on a day-to-day basis to achieve your goal(s) and begin to act that way.

3. Project yourself into the future – You become what you think. Whatever thoughts dominate your mind most of the time are what you become. Pretend that you already have your goal(s). Begin to walk, talk and act as though you are already experiencing the success you seek. Then, those things will come to you naturally through the power of the subconscious mind.

4. Write down ten things you want this year – By making a list of the things that are important to you, you begin to create images in your mind. It’s been said that your mind will actually create chaos if necessary to make images become a reality. Because of this, the list of ten things will probably result in you achieving at least eight of them within the year.

5. Create your story board – Get a piece of poster board and attach to a wall in your office or home where you will see it often. As you go through magazines, brochures, etc. and you see the pictures of the things you want, cut them out and glue them to your story board. In other words, make yourself a collage of the goals that excite you…knowing full well that as you look at them everyday, they will soon be yours.

6. The three most important things – Decide on three things that you want to achieve before you die.. Then work backwards listing three things you want in the next twenty years, ten years, five years, this year, this month, this week and finally, the three most important things you want to accomplish today.

7. Ask yourself good questions – As you think about your goals, instead of WISHING for them to come true, ask yourself HOW and WHAT CAN YOU DO to make them come true. The subconscious mind will respond to your questions far greater than just making statements or making wishes.

8. Focus on one project at a time – One of the greatest mistakes people make in setting goals is trying to work on too many things at one time. There is tremendous power in giving laser beam focused attention to just one idea, one project or one objective at a time.

9. Write out an “Ideal Scenario” – Pretend you are a newspaper reporter that has just finished an interview about the outstanding success that you’ve achieved and the article is now in the newspaper. How would it read? What would be the headline? Write the article yourself, projecting yourself into the future as though it had already happened. Describe the activities of your daily routine now that are very successful.

10. Pray and meditate – As you get into bed each evening, think about your goal before you drop off to sleep. Get a very clear colorful image in your mind of seeing yourself doing the things you’ll be doing after you’ve reached your major goal. (Remember to include your values). And then begin to ask and demand (I know you can ask but can you demand God, is my question? - Kenya ) for these things through meditation and pray.

I hope this helps in setting and achieving your goals and dreams. Remember, with God all things are possible!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I am currently reading the book Think And Grow Rich: A Black Choice by Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill and in Chapter 6 What are you worth? on the last page and a half Mr. Kimbro listed points which will help you rebuild or strengthen your self-image. I thought this was a great exercise and so I have listed the points below.

1. Make a list of at least ten positive attributes you possess. Be generous but honest when listing those qualities that you like about yourself. When your list is complete, write a brief expression of gratitude for all who have helped you – the Lord God Almighty, family, friends.

2. Conversely, make a list of all the things you wish to change. Don’t be ashamed, change is normal. Place a check mark beside those traits you feel you can change. Write a personal statement of acceptance acknowledging the things that you don’t like but can’t change and a pledge to change all the things you can.

3. Write a short personality profile describing the person you have identified yourself to be. Give full attention to both strengths and weaknesses.

4. Know that in order for you to succeed, you need only believe in yourself.

5. Understand that life is thought. Therefore, concentrate on becoming the person you intend to be ( I say who God intends you to be). Draw a mental picture of this person so as to transform this image into its physical expression.

6. Master the principles set forth in this book (mentioned above). Through constant study you will become increasingly aware of your God-given powers.

7. Become self-reliant (I say God-reliant). Learn to stand on your own feet, and express yourself in a manner that will carry conviction. Cause others to become interested in you because you will first become interested in others. Eliminate selfishness and develop a spirit of service in its place.

8. Never downgrade yourself or your importance in life, nor allow others to berate you. If you are forced to listen to such nonsense, dismiss it immediately. Remember, the quality of your thoughts, your feelings, and attitude produces results.

9. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself with conviction.

Think of this list as a blueprint or detailed description of the person you want to be!!!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009


The information in this blog post is taken from a handout that I received from a close family friend and a Sister in Christ!!! This is the third of seven posts on this topic. God bless!!!


First Thessalonians 5:23 states that we are spirit, soul, and body. Normally, we feed the body three meals a day. The soul is educated and fed emotionally. This exercise is designed to nourish the spirit, that part of us in which God dwells. Study the following scriptures together and individually to discover who you are in Christ.

I am the head and not the tail………………........Deuteronomy 28:13
I am called of God……………………………...........2 Timothy 1:9
I am brought near by the blood of Christ……...Ephesians 2:13
I am complete in Christ……………………….........Colossians 2:10
I am delivered from the power of darkness…...Colossians 1:13
I am an ambassador for Christ……………….......2 Corinthians 5:20
I am the salt of the earth………………………........Matthew 5:13
I am the light of the world……………………........Matthew 5:14


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Snuggle, Snuggle, Comfy, Comfy...

Last Wednesday evening, as the rain fell in comforting drops on the ground, I snuggled in my bed with my PJs on under a warm comforter with a hot cup of tea, biscotti from Starbucks and a smileJ. The heat hissed through the radiator while the wind blew the blinds through the open window. I had no cares or worries, my mind was at ease, and I just entered into the relaxing moment.

Fall/Autumn is upon us and I love it. I love bundling up against the cold outside, wearing that favorite, broken-in sweater and/or jacket, the thick warm socks or tights, a colorful scarf wrapped around the neck. Driving with the heat comfortably blowing out the vents while the red, yellow, brown and orange leaves whirl around the car.

But my favorite moment is snuggling in my bed and/or in that favorite comfortable chair while listening to the outside and/or reading a good book. Get a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate, some shortbread cookies, biscotti, a piece of cake, a cupcake, a piece of pie, a danish and enter into the moment. I close my bedroom door, get into my pajamas or loungewear, and dive into a freshly made bed with the sheets and comforter smelling like powder, perfume or the “fresh country air” laundry detergent I used to wash.

Sometimes I fall asleep and at other times I praise God, thanking Him for the beautiful, peaceful moment. M soul is at ease and I am free.

You can be snuggly, snuggly, comfy, comfy on those gray Saturday mornings (with a breakfast sandwich from the local deli) and/or Sunday afternoons. With your spouse you can be snuggly, snuggly, comfy, comfy. And with your family, at the kitchen table or in the family room (with the fireplace going), enjoying each other’s company and the relaxing moment, watching television, reading, chatting or just lounging.

Snuggle, snuggle, comfy, comfy…Relax, Relate, Release!!!

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Who I Am In Christ

The information in this blog post is taken from a handout that I received from a close family friend and a Sister in Christ!!! This is the second of seven posts on this topic. God bless!!!


First Thessalonians 5:23 states that we are spirit, soul, and body. Normally, we feed the body three meals a day. The soul is educated and fed emotionally. This exercise is designed to nourish the spirit, that part of us in which God dwells. Study the following scriptures together and individually to discover who you are in Christ.

I am a new creature……………………………….. 2 Corinthians 5:17
I am the temple of the Holy Ghost…………………1 Corinthians 6:19
I am redeemed from the curse of the law…………..Galatians 3:13
I am accepted in Christ……………………………..Ephesians 1:6
I am reconciled to God……………………………..2 Corinthians 5:18
I am beloved of God………………………………..1 John 4:10
I am a saint………………………………………….Romans 1:7
I am holy and without blame before Him…………..Ephesians 1:4

Monday, October 19, 2009

What are your Goals???


Over the past two years, I have been coming across a lot of articles and writings about putting your goals in writing. Some say to write down your goals and the steps to be taken to achieve your goals. Others say to just write them down and don’t worry about how you are going to achieve them but just keep reviewing your goals and “you will become more conscious to what you want to achieve and you will take ACTION.” Then there are the ones who say to write down your five year goals, one year goals, six month goals and three month goals. Monthly goals, weekly goals and daily goals.

Well I’ve done them all. The five/four year goals, yearly goals, six month and three month goals and monthly goals. And I try to review my list (s) of goals/desires/wishes every week.

Out of the 30 goals that I wanted to achieve and/or do for the year 2009, so far I have only reached 5!!! I’ve starting losing weight, exercising 3-5 times per week, eating healthier, get togethers with friends, and increased my volunteering. Here are the 25 I have yet to reach:
7 night 8 day vacation @ Walt Disney World at the Swan Hotel
a shopping tour to Italy in November 2009
Operating LKG Designs Inc (my jewelry design firm) successfully
Become debt-free!!!
Increase savings account, house fund and fun fund
Lunch or dinner at Bobby Flay’s Mesa Grill restaurant
3 spa days
lunch or dinner at the Legal Seafood restaurant
attend social/business networking meetups
explore NYC- Soho, Harlem, Greenwich Village
a Movado watch – Esperanza style
a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes
a trip to Seattle to visit family
a black EPI leather Louis Vuitton Alma handbag
Monthly breakfast. Lunch and/or dinner with my Mommy
Get togethers with certain family and family acquaintances
A ferry ride to Fire Island
A trip on the Circle Line around Manhattan and on the Beast jetboat around Manhattan
Have my hair done every four weeks
Have manicure/pedicure every two weeks
A trip to Charlotte, NC
A gemology course
A beading course
To see The Lion King on Broadway

In addition, I have yet to find a fulltime position as a Personal Assistant/Concierge at my desired salary with bonus and benefits!!!
I started getting frustrated and disappointed that I have only reached five of these goals and because the ones that I wanted to happen at a certain time didn’t happen. Then I realized that the year is not over yet and that they can still happen. I have approximately two and a half months left. With God All Things Are Possible!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The information in this blog post is taken from a handout that I received from a close family friend and a Sister in Christ!!! This will be the first of seven posts on this topic. God bless!!!


First Thessalonians 5:23 states that we are spirit, soul, and body. Normally, we feed the body three meals a day. The soul is educated and fed emotionally. This exercise is designed to nourish the spirit, that part of us in which God dwells. Study the following scriptures together and individually to discover who you are in Christ.

I am now God’s child ……………………………….......1 John 3:2
I am born of the incorruptible seed of God’s Word ……1 Peter 1:23
I am loved by Christ …………………………………………Revelation 1:5
I am forgiven all my sins ……………………………………Ephesians 1:7
I am justified from all things ………………………………………Acts 13:39
I am the righteousness of God ……………………………… Corinthians 5:21
I am free from all condemnation ……………………...……Romans 8:1
I can forget the past …………………………………………Philippians 3:13

Finally my brethen, Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Eph. 6:10

God bless!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


BECOME YOUR DREAM!!! Those were the words painted in colorful paint on the wall of a school that I passed by, to and from my volunteer work at Hale House on 122nd St. in Harlem. At first, I didn’t notice these words of inspiration for a while. It took a few months before I noticed them and when I did it was like..hmmm?!?! They finally sunk into my mind, heart, and soul and they started to become an encouragement to me to pursue my dream!!!


What is my dream???

My dream is to own and successfully and profitably operate my own jewelry design firm. It has actually originated as I have incorporated it, designed several collections (with several in my mind), told quite a few people about it and speaking it. Praise Jesus!

This dream metamorphosized from fashion designing to jewelry design a few years ago as I was home waiting to go back to work after 9/11.

From seventh grade, I knew that I wanted to own my own design business and had my sights set on it. But I became discouraged a few years later after talking about it with someone and let that dream die. But Thank God for my mother! Every year she has always asked me about my designs, what am I going to do with them and that I should pursue having them created. This keep designing in the forefront of my mind, as I always was designing in my head, going to fabric shops, buying patterns, scouring fashion magazines.
But one evening, after several weeks home after 9/11 and watching the jewelry segments on ShopNBC, I picked up a pencil and notebook and started to design jewelry. God had resurrected my dream of designing but instead of clothing, it was jewelry. I put it aside for a few years, but in 2003, God stoked the flame in my heart for my own business and I started to pray, research and formulate my jewelry design business. It wasn’t until a year or so ago that I realized that God had brought me full circle to my passion, MINERALS, which came about on a school trip to the Natural Museum of History. Observing the minerals in the displays ignited this passion for Minerals, which had died down for years, but came back full force within the last few years.

Now I am moving forward with this passion, perseverance, faith, determination and willingness, to see my dream become a reality.

LKG Designs Inc. will come to pass/is coming to pass, will be extremely successful, have good success (Joshua 1:8) and live!!! In the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! God My Savior!!!

BECOME YOUR DREAM!!! What is your dream???

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Wish List!!!

A few weeks ago, I read a book by Debra Macomber titled Twenty Wishes. After reading this book I decided to write down twenty wishes of my own of things that I desire to happen and/or obtain in my life in the near future. I've already written down my goals for 2009 (some will go on my goals list for 2010) but I thought that making a list of twenty wishes would be more of what's in my heart. Some things are materialistic and some are dealing with personal relationships, going on trips, etc. So with that said, I am starting with this post of some things on my twenty wishes list. Who knows...maybe you'll be a part of making it happen!?!

One of my twenty wishes....A Louis Vuitton black Epi Leather Alma handbag!!!

Here is the link:;jsessionid=P403PLZGTCUMMCRBXUCFAFIKEG4RAUPU?buy=1&langue=en_US&direct1=home_entry_us

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wisdom from God!!!

Jesus...the wisdom of God!!!

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering... James 1:1,2a

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. James 3:17

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: Proverbs 1:7a

And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. Job 28:28

But whoso hearkeneth unto me (wisdom) shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Proverbs 1:33

Have a blessed day!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Beautiful Morning...God's glory!!!

This morning I was forced to get up at 7:30am. I was not happy about this but they were putting on a new roof on the apartment building where I live. So, I got out of bed, bathed, prepared some things for my breakfast and my mobile office (tote bag and pocketbook and sweater), closed the windows and headed out the door. After making a quick errand, I stopped by McDonalds for an order of hotcakes ($0.99 Mon - Fri), gassed up the car and drove to the marina.

The marina at the end of Clinton Avenue in Bayshore is one of my favorite places. I parked my car facing the water, prepared my pancakes with butter and homemade apple compote and enjoyed God's gift of nature with a hot cup of peppermint

One of the most beautiful displays of God that I seen was the sun glistening on the water. It was so calming and peaceful to behold. The sky was blue with a few wispy clouds and the birds were flying and hanging out in the parking lot. There was a boat slowing making its way out into the water and another speeding west. There were other cars parked at the marina as well and people strolling the boardwalk around the marina. I seen a woman on a three wheel bicycle with a child in back, a man and a woman on a double bicycle and people power walking and exercising. Some type of work was being done on the sand in the beach area which usually happens either before the summer.

After finishing my breakfast, I just sat and watched the happenings at the marina for a while. Finally I got out the car to dispose of my breakfast trash and decided to take a little stroll down the boardwalk on the water side to the walkway between two of the parking lots to the boardwalk where the boats are moored (I ended up right in front of my dream boat with the name "It's All Good") then back across another parking lot to my car.

O what a beautiful morning. Praise God! Thank you Jesus!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

For Army Wives/Companions

One of my younger cousins is married to an Army man and has created a blog to help those women either married to Army men or are their companions. Krystel is her name and she is very intelligent, tech savvy and funny. Her blog is full of great information, personal notes, videos, contests and it is a place to connect with other women whose love ones are in the Army and are out in the battlefield overseas. Her blog is called Armywife 101 . Check it out!

Promoting a fellow jewelry designer

I love helping people in anyway that I can. Whether it's with my time, information, resources or just a listening ear. My dream that I am in pursuit of is owning my own jewelry design firm soon. In learning about the jewelry industry, I have attended three MJSA (Manufacturers Jewelry Suppliers Association for the past three years. Last year was really good for me as I met many industry professionals, many who took the time to just speak with me and give me advice. One that really stood out was Julie Foster of PinkJules Not only was her jewelry absolutely beautiful and I would describe as girlie Woman jewels, but Julie herself was a delight to meet. She had me try on many rings and told me about each one and was just pleasant. What made it even more sweet was that her husband was there supporting her and was a part of her business. So check out PinkJules !!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Relaxing Moments...with a cup of Hot Tea!!! cont'd

In continuing my musing on relaxing moments with a cup of hot tea, I thought I share a few links of my favorite treats that accompany my hot teas.

The other treats I enjoy are from a local bakery, Dolce Bella Bakery, 70 Deer Park Ave, North Babylon, NY 631-667-2824. This is on Long Island in Suffolk County. I grew up on sweets from this bakery. It's in my blood.

And last but not least, the cupcakes I enjoy are home baked by moi! Red Velvet Cupcakes!!!

Here is the recipe for the cake. Just use cupcake tins instead:

I hope my little musing will help you to enjoy your next moment with a cup of hot tea!!! Make it a relaxing one!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Relaxing Moments...with a hot cup of Tea!!!

I love tea!!! Green tea, cranberry & apple tea, peppermint tea regular Lipton tea....I just love tea. I'm not addicted like some coffee drinkers are who need at least two cups of coffee in order to start their day. My tea drinking is mostly for relaxing, comforting moments. I will admit that I do drink a cup of tea to start my day, but it is more out of habit than for the caffeine.
One of my favorite places to sit and enjoy a cup of hot tea (especially with shortbread cookies, danishes, cake or cupcakes) is at the dining room table in the apartment where I live. I microwave a cup of water or boil it in a pot or tea kettle on the stove, take out the tea bag of the tea I desire to sip, take out a few shortbread cookies, and set the dining table with a little place setting of a teacup, saucer, napkin and spoon. Once the water is ready, I make my tea, either add sugar (sometimes honey and/or lemon), place the cup on the saucer, sit down, say grace (Thank you Jesus) and just relax.
Sip, dunk cookie in tea or take a bit of danish/cake/cupcake, sip, listen to the outside, listen to my surroundings and/or listen to my thoughts, read a book, magazine or paper or just stare at the wall and enjoy the moment.
Morning, afternoon and/or evening, I make it a point to have a relaxing moment with a hot cup of tea.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just Starting out...Who am I???

Who am I??? I am just Kenya. A black, female Christian who loves Jesus, my family, friends, church family and people. This blog is to express who I am as a person, female, my likes, dislikes, dreams, goals, and just what is on my mind. It will also be an outlet to share information, laughter and love. So stay tuned...